Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day! Let's Just Rest Awhile

John 12:32 - "And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” - Jesus

Matt 11:28 - "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

Everyone loves the Matthew passage! Not everyone, of course, accepts the John passage. But isn't that glorious?  Eventually, all people come to Jesus and (perhaps after some celestial spankings are administered, but they will come, every knee will bow!  Check out Philippians 2)…all people will find rest for their souls. God is good, all the time!! I believe it! 

Somehow when we used to sing that in my former church I would look around and see people who were strong believers in the hideous doctrine of eternal torment singing this song so joyfully.
I was thinking, how in the world can they sing and believe these words if God is going to torment some of their friends and loved ones - forever!! It's just stupefying, really. I realize they probably were singing that thinking God is good by saving THEM and really believed that eternal torment for unbelievers is just, simply because they think God says it is. But he doesn't, and it isn't!  God gave us our brains, and common sense should be enough to tell us that eternal, everlasting retributive punishment is no justice for any crime.  The injustice of such a punishment is comparable to administering the death penalty for a person doing 58 miles an hour in a 55 zone, really, but much, much  worse if someone really thinks about it.   Please think about it and let’s do our part in spreading the glorious news that God really is good, all the time, punishments will be truly just, and he will indeed draw all men (all people, that is), to himself.  His mercy knows no bounds.  It lasts forever! 

I thank God so much for that, for being the truly merciful and kind God he is.  And as I see the truly good news of universal (ultimately) restoration of all things which includes all people, of course, it fills me with a great joy. No wonder Paul could spontaneously erupt into praises to God. I think Paul knew or received the revelation and although (as Peter probably tells us in his disputed 2nd epistle – disputed or not, the statement is true!) he is sometimes difficult to understand, one can definitely see that there is tremendous, overwhelming support for this good news that it just makes me want to go out and serve him with all my might!!... After a short nap, that is...I'm a little lazy sometimes, at least in my own mind - I'll admit it.

Sleep is a really wonderful gift from God though; there is nothing wrong with a nice snooze.  Sometimes we need to slow down, rest, and just realize that all is well and all will be well.  We are overworked and need to rest.  I can see why God made a Sabbath day.  Never mind the literature the Seventh Day Adventists drop on my front porch when I run my weed-eater on Saturday!  The point is, we need to take some time and just rest in the Lord every week or we are going to burn out.  

God bless! And Happy Father's Day! -David


  1. Ah yes, it brings me great joy as well to know the Love he has for all of us. It is amazing how something so Beautiful ( The True Gospel ) is so trashed by many.

    I just had a guy tell me to take my "Universalism Trash" somewhere else. So angry and disappointed in such a Loving!

    Yes, let us Rest in Christ and Rest in 'literally'.

    Happy Father's Day to you! Sorry, it is late.

    God Bless!

  2. I totally agree it is tragic how people have been misled into accepting a horrific image of God. And, sadly, people sometimes will sort of transform into someone with the traits of that kind of a God when they get confronted with the truth. Some of them won't come right out and say "universalism trash," as that's just downright mean, but they do believe it to be dangerous. I wonder sometimes if they even want it to be true, some of them at least. A lot of them, I think, just read a few passages out of their English Bibles and, believing the Bible to be literally inerrant from the western way of interpreting things, they are afraid to contradict this "divine word of God" as if God penned the Bible himself. And so it boils down to fear, really. One day, there will be no more of this fear, we know, as perfect love will cast it all out! Thank God he is not anything at all like some of these poor folks make him out to be! And thanks for your kind comments as always! God bless, David

  3. Very tragic.

    I did a video on You-tube called "What is Your Image of God", and I talked about how we become exactly what we believe God to be. If we think he is full of hate and anger, that is exactly what we will have towards others and how we see them. We see people the way we see our image of God.

    Yep, it is all about being afraid to 'contradict the divine word of God' as you. Fear, Fear, Fear, Fear, and more Fear.

    As you say, One day there will be no more fear and Thank God for that!..

    You are so welcome David!!

    God Bless you!

  4. Thanks again Alicia, and I was wondering, would I be able to see your you tube video if I searched on "what is your image of God?" I should just try it I suppose! But if I can't find it, you wouldn't happen to have a link to it you could post in here when you get a chance or email to me at Videos can be very powerful tools. Gerry Beauchemin's daughter did one awhile back that affected positively quite a few people on facebook. Even for those against the good news of God's everlasting mercy and love the video had to make them think. Everything goes into the brain and the more people get fed the truth, the more likely it is, hopefully, to displace the lies people have been led to believe about God. Anyway, I would be interested in seeing your video if it's still available...thanks! David

  5. Hi David! For some reason I felt lead to come back to this post and I see that you requested to see my video some days ago. I am sorry I am just seeing this.

    That is interesting that you could not find it, or did you eventually? There are times I have tried to find things and could not find them myself, God sometimes delays us for whatever reason.

    Videos are indeed powerful tools, I so agree. I do not do a lot of videos, but I really try to put my heart and soul into them when I do.

    Sure, I will post the link to my You-tube page.

    I hope you enjoy!

